The Trump Conviction, Presidential War Crimes, and What Our Kids Should Know

Following the bombshell news of former president Donald Trump’s conviction for falsifying business records, rather than spend my Friday trying to relitigate the case as some sort of armchair legal commentator, I want to reflect on the moral bankruptcy of our political leaders and how parents can broach these often uncomfortable topics with their kids. If we’re being honest, very few politicians are deserving of admiration or "role model" status - at least not without a laundry list of caveats. We often lose sight of how commonplace serious crimes actually are in the course of American politics. However, our country’s norm has always been to defer to the voters in the next election, rather than allow short-term political incentives to determine which questionable behavior deserves formal punishment. Either way, maintaining a morally resilient society starts at home - not in a New York City courtroom and certainly not in Washington, D.C.